Olga Ni
T a x a n d A c c o u n t i n g D i r e c t o r
Qualifications and Experience:
- Holder of "Chief Accountant" and "Certified Accounting Practitioner" certificates issued by the National Association of Accountants and Auditors of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
- Expert with 20 years of experience in EY Uzbekistan, J.O.Y CONSULT GROUP, Korean National Oil Corporation and AKIB Ipoteka Bank.
- Provided a wide range of consulting services and recommendations on tax planning issues for such companies as Eurocement Group (capital transactions), Sumitomo (taxation of foreign companies), Oriflame (tax compliance in terms of employee salaries and personnel management, preparation of internal policies and accounting procedures), New Retail (accounting and tax planning), Dutch Stone City Energy B V. (development of tax concept).
- Tashkent Institute of Finance. Bachelor's degree in banking, accounting and crediting.